Several things have fallen by the wayside when it comes to so called New Years Resolutions, either because physically there's a problem or mentally there's a problem. After another month of feeling almost murderous, I went to the doctor and told him I felt a little psycho and described various things to him and came away with a prescription for Lovan to try and assist. I get home and find out it's another name for Prozac. So here I am, the Prozac Princess, wondering what else is going to happen.
Turns out - I should have gone to the doctor months ago - if not years ago. After two weeks on the drug, I started feeling like I wanted to 'create' something - do something....anything! Then one morning I woke up with a smile on my face....and I was happy, not just having a great sleep - but I was happy. I had an epiphany that felt rather shocking to me. I'd been suffering depression, not just premenstrual dysphoric disorder but depression as well. And the drug was helping. I was really and truly shocked because I hadn't necessarily 'felt' depressed all the time. Takes a while to remember and realise that that in itself was a problem because I'd been denying a lot! Anyway.....we shall see how it goes at 'that' time of the month, whether or not the drug assists with PMDD as well as it's worked on my moods so far. I'm noticing a slight change in how I'm feeling so I'm continuing to monitor as I go.
So on to the reason behind the blog. I decided I wanted to get creative again so joined a Paint Shop Pro learning group. I don't necessarily need to learn, but refresh - and I needed somewhere to post my results of my lessons - so this is it! Hahahaha! I might add - this first one below - that is NOT one from my course. It's just one I did. Doll by Cybrea Stock. I've long since lost most of the 'how-to' so I've got to relearn so much!