Redbubble goodies by Michelle

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sea Glass

Today I sat and listened.

 I went on a mission for sea glass and came away so relaxed it didn't hurt to climb the hill back home.

More than that...I listened to the water. To the different sounds it makes as it's waves form, crest and break.....and the sound the rocks make on this section of foreshore. The rocks here croak. Yes, they do!  As the water runs back out into the river, the movement of the water and rocks together sound very much like Kermit with a head cold.

With realising that I was not hearing frogs and an extended amount of time on hands and knees as I searched for sea glass (and gave some walkers the sea glass bug it seemed), I also realised the cyclical nature of that which is glass and that which becomes sea glass.

And of the tactile nature of sand....and grit....and stones....such a soothing hand massage I had as I rubbed my hands thoroughly through the shell grit and pebbles.  It's a shame that it was still too cool a spring morning to be taking my boots off and giving my feet the same sort of 'pebble rub therapy'.  Can I patent this or has it already been done!??